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Beautiful Battlefields

Author; Bo Stern
ISBN: 9781612913193
Publisher: NavPress
Year: 2013
Pages: 189

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This is your battle. How can you fight it and win?
Where is God in the midst of this? You've heard that question or perhaps asked it yourself. In the battle for your joy, your marriage, your finances, your health, an emptiness creeps in. where is the peace God promised?
B Stern has been there- and is still there. Yet in studying the battles in Scripture, she came to a startling conclusion: Gos is using these fierce fights in our lives for an astonishing purpose.


"Bo Stern has written a book that will encourage, challenge, and inspire anyone facing battlefields or everyday life.Thoughtful and provoking these pages just  might be filled with hope you need right now".                                                                                                     -Margaret Feinberg author of Wonderstruck and Scouting the Divine

In the twenty-one years of women's ministry, I have never met a woman as extraordinary as Bo Stern. She is the real deal, and her words are anointed by God himself. You will be forever changed by this book"                                                                                            -Sheri Rose Shepherd best-selling author; Bible life coach

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Meeting Goliath
Chapter2: The G50:20 Principle
Chapter3: Catching Manna
Chapter4: In The Shadow of a Superhero
Chapter5: What the Greeting Cards Won't Tell You
Chapter6: Wearing the Glasses of God
Chapter 7: An Unlikely Dance
Chapter8: Fasten Your Heart to His Love
Chapter9: Consult the Captain
Chapter10: Get a Good Army
Chapter11: Live the Adventure of giving
Chapter12: Run to a Reliable Refuge
Chapter13: Escape the Weight of Bitterness
Chapter14: Speak Strength
Chapter15: Become Outrageously Brave

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