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Author: Amy Nappa
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9781600060939
Pages: 221
Year Printed: 2008
Meeting Jesus at Your Deepest Need

Are you dying of thirst?

What does it look like when a woman encounters God? Does he have a to-do list for her? Does he tell her everything she hasn't done well, or done at all? Or does he encourage her with kindness and offer a gift of restoration?

Meet the Woman at the Well - a woman thirsty for living water. Meet Jesus at the same well and find out what he did to satisfy the woman's thirst. If only you knew the gift God has for you.....

  1. Waiting - John 4:4-6
  2. Experiencing the Unexpected - John 4:7-9
  3. Teasing the Mystery - John 4:10-14
  4. Facing the Hidden Reality - John 4:15-17
  5. Speaking the Truth - John 4:17-19
  6. Removing the Distractions - John 4:20-24
  7. Revealing the hope - John 4:25-26